More Than Martial Arts - The Hall's Taekwondo Podcast
Hall's Taekwondo has been an integral part of the development of Taekwondo in Australia for more than 35 years. We offer classes and programs for all ages that deliver fitness with meaning for a healthy mind and body. Our podcast keeps you updated, connected, entertained and inspired to reach your goals. Hall's Taekwondo is more than Martial Arts. Visit hallstaekwondo.com.au and get started today.
More Than Martial Arts - The Hall's Taekwondo Podcast
Instructor Interview - Sam Wherrett / Preparing For Online Grading
Sam Wherrett
Season 1
Episode 6
More Than Martial Arts - The Hall's Taekwondo Podcast is hosted by Trent Hanlon. In the last episode for this season, Sam Wherrett joins the show. We talk about Sam's Taekwondo career, how he got started and how he transitioned into becoming a full time instructor. We also discuss preparations for the upcoming online grading. Get yourself started in our Virtual classes. Visit hallstaekwondo.com.au today.